To protect over time surfaces from weathering and chemical agents, from attacks by UV light on the colors and from vandalism is a need more and more perceived.
Projects with high architectural value, where colors are leading actors, their appearance must be preserved with no risk of toning. Concrete and stones aesthetical and structural integrity must be preserved over time fighting the aggression of corrosion and graffiti.
Fluorinated coatings guarantee colors stability and integrity of surfaces against the action of UV light and weathering; it allows for a durable antigraffiti protection and makes easier the removal of writings and sketches made with varnishes, markers or other techniques.
The maintenance of infrastructures where restoration is difficult and expensive because of their logistics, is a problem solved by products lessening the dirt and mold adhesion (as in case of water seepage in tunnels) and allowing for fast and economic cleaning without detergents.
Special effects and Design
Rust-like or CorTen look, iridescence, copper and even gold look – coatings can simulate the surface look of many materials, in a way that would be too expensive for other tools. All these effects and shades can be realized and effectively protected over time, mainly in oudoor outdoor.